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“MegaGear Montage: Schamloses Product Placement”
Strip #588: MegaGear Montage: Schamloses Product Placement


Hier klicken zum Aufklappen ==== Panel #0
[keine Sprechblase]: Megagear Montage:Schamloses Product Placement
==== Panel #1
Seraphim: Hi zusammen! Es ist Zeit für etwas schamlose Werbung für den neuen Megatokyo Online Laden, Megagear!
Seraphim: Schaut! "Alle Männer sind Fanboys!" Sagt es laut, sagt es stolz!
Piro: Müssen wir das hier wirklich machen? Ich sollte wirklich an nem neuen Comic arbeiten, die Leute fangen an sich zu beschweren...
==== Panel #2
Seraphim: Bist du etwas gruselig, etwas düster, aber ganz süss? Dann ist das "Darkly Cute" Mädchen Shirt was für dich!
Seraphim: Mit Glitzer dran!
Piro: Alles was ich wirklich wollte war mein "Tortured Artist" Shirt und meine "Magic Coff33 +1" Tasse.
==== Panel #3
Seraphim: Nichts kann irgendwie süsser sein als das pinke neue "Squ33k L33t" Mädchen Shirt!
Seraphim: Ich liebe Boo! Boo ist so süss!
Piro: Ich muss zugeben, der Boo Hut ist schon irgendwie cool. Zu dumm dass ich blöd mit Hüten aussehe.
==== Panel #4
Seraphim: Jetzt kann ich wirklich Piros "Sad Girl in Snow" sein, dank dieses...
Piro: Giaaaaa!! Uff! Hilfe!!
==== Panel #5
Seraphim: Was machst du da?
Piro: I... Ich häng fest!
Seraphim: Ok, erklärs' mir. Wie hast du es geschafft dich in einem T-Shirt zu verheddern?
Piro: Es... es ist dieses "L33t N3kkid Skillz" T-Shirt! Damit muss irgendwas nicht stimmen!
Seraphim: Ich würde sagen mit diesem Shirt stimmt eine Menge nicht.
Seraphim: Gib Gas und entknote dich, der Laden öffnet dieses Wochenende.
[keine Sprechblase]: Kommt und schaut euch die neue Linie vom Megatokyo Merchandise in unserem neuen Online Laden an: www.megagear.com Eröffnung dieses Wochenende!



“Eine Nachricht von Piro”

Samstag 2005-01-01


Fred bat mich, das hier zu zitieren:

In the past several months, i've been getting emails from various people saying that they cannot reach the megatokyo site. There are always instances why, for some reason, someone may not be able to reach our servers for various reasons, but i was starting to get a lot of them, and they were talking about not having been able to reach the website for months, and being able to reach it at school, but not from home. We double checked things on our end, and there was nothing we could find that would in any way block these people from accessing megatokyo. The only commonality we were noticing was that all of them were Verison customers.

Ukyo (theCologuys dude :P) did some digging, and spoke worked with some people who were having this problem, and we have narrowed down what it is. Here's what Ukyo asked me to pass on:

'Verizon has blocked port 53 on a number of IP Blocks. This basically means that DNS requests going to any IP's in those blocks don't go anywhere. You can ping the servers and you can access them by IP. That is because only the DNS port is blocked. Why are they doing this? No idea. Can't even get them to admit to it even though so many of their customers have shown clear evidence of this.'

'NetGear router users:'

'Please check yoru DHCP settings on your computer. You can do this under Xp by going to Stat -> Control Panel -> Networks, double-click your LAN icon. Click the support tab, and hit the details button. If your DNS servers say something like, or anything that starts with 192.168. That means your netgear is acting as a DNS server. We found that some people can login to their netgear, goto the status tab, and get the assigned DNS server IP's from verizon and use those. To use them, goto the properties of your LAN icon, highlight TCP/IP and click the 'settings' button. You will see the option to 'Specify DNS Servers'. Check that and fill in the blanks. This has worked for most people.'

'For those that this does not work for, please contact Verison and open a trouble ticket. Tell them you and many others are having the exact same problem, and it is a NOC (pronounced "Knock") issue.'

So, in short, for some reason we can't fathom, we are part of a block of IPs that Verision is blocking. We have tired to contact them to fix the problem, but they won't talk to us. So, if you or someone you know is having this problem, please pass this info on to them. Maybe if enough actual customers complain, they will do something about it.



Donnerstag 2005-02-03

Kigurumi sollt ihr zwar laut Fred selbst nachschaun, aber wozu habt ihr mich
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kigurumi
2. für alle die der englischen sprache nicht mächtig sind:
Kigurumi ist der japanische Name für so ganz-körper Verkleidungen, z.b. halt von Anime Charakteren oder sowas
wie die als Mickey Maus etc. verkleideten leute in Disney Land
Bonta-kun würd wohl auch dazu zähln ;)